Wednesday, August 17, 2005

More Arts...

The new character is Kung Fu Kate because every comic has the obligatory Kung-Fu Master. Marvel has Iron Fist. DC has some fucking guy I can't remember but has probably been in Batman a bunch or something, I guess Lady Shiva. Oooh or Black Canary even though she has the whole sonic scream shit going on. Anyways I felt that it was needed. And seeing as how I know a girl named Katie who is all, "I like Tai Kwan Do" I made a martial arts super hero. Also, because I know shit all about Tai Kwan Do and Kung-Fu is heavily represented in other comics and TV/Movies and because I like aliteration, Kung Fu Kate was born. I drew a bunch of pictures and costume ideas and they all never came out quite how I wanted them too, well except the costume idea but lacking a good picture you didn't get to see it until now. So I present to you this picture:

1 comment:

Cam said...

Not only is sebastian in that awesomely homo-erotic movie there is also a small role for Angelique Naude.

I must see it