Monday, January 08, 2007

We (I) Recommend:

Becoming A Sports Fan
Everyone needs an enemy and this provides you with one you never even have to meet. (or two if you follow both college and professional varieties of your sport of choice).

Nothing quite compares to the added neck warmth a good piece of wool wrapped around you provides. Also colour and wrapping method can help express who you are as a person (or how rushed you were that morning).

Was made for 7000 dollars on film ends and still manages to be the most believable movie about time travel I have ever seen.

Movie Posters
Can get you excited about a movie without giving away all the good bits like trailers do. Also collectible.

A Book With A Good Title
They say don't judge a book by its cover but if a book's title can make me laugh out loud or intrigue me I am more likely to pick it up (see The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time or The Island of the Sequined Love Nuns). If I was a professor I would probably be likely to give better marks to a wittily titled paper.

Blowing Bubbles
My days have been more fulfilling ever since I discovered a closet full of bubble fluid while attending a concert at UBC.

Recently rediscovered this one. It is fabulous. Nothing compares to preparing yourself a good breakfast. Even the race against the clock bowl of cereal is fantastic. The new brunch.

Hated them when I was a kid, but now I know what I was missing. No sugar. No nuts. No dried reconstituted fruit just Cheerios and milk. Delicious.

Esquire Magazine
Genuinely good articles without too much of a leftist bent. Has the unfortunate side-effect of making wish I was several million dollars richer.

Rolling Stone Magazine
Genuinely good articles with just the right amount of a leftist bent. Has the unfortunate side-effect of making me want to be a Rolling Stone Writer (which conflicts with the side-effects of Esquire).

Still as basic as can be and still the most replay value of any video game I have ever played.

Photography With A 35mm Camera
Digital cameras make the "whrrr-chk" noise now but you still can feel the "chk" and this is all important. Plus for at least the next five years 35mm will always look better than digital. Plus manual focus really makes you think about your picture.

Set in a high school and filmed in colour yet it still manages to out-noir most old toughguy movies. Was talked about a lot when it came out but now is apparently not as good as Dreamgirls in the critics Top 10 lists. This should change.

Eva Green
So hot right now.

Daniel Craig
So hot right now.

Blue-Footed Boobie
Like the Penguin only not played-out and way more cool looking. Bonus points for having an awesome name.

Any Book By Tom Robbins
Always refreshingly odd and filled with interesting characters with a touch of fantasy. Often presents the meaning of something (occasionally life) and breaks the fourth wall in a delightful fashion. Almost a Robert Altman of literature and was Once described a been "written like Dolly Parton looks."

Starting Your Day By Thinking About Puppies/Kittens
Try It. You'll thank me.

A little late on this one, I know, but this Sitcom/Improv show is downright random and hilarious. Watch for great celebrity cameos.

New Hoody Feeling
Soft, warm, and cuddly. Arguably the greatest clothing feeling available for under 75 dollars.

Watching Larry Bird Play Basketball
Over a decade late on this one, sure, but trust me. A sports announcer once said "He couldn't run and he couldn't jump but at least he was Larry Bird" and that is the truth. The gangly, Indiana born Celtic is amazing to watch. He turned the game into an art form, and his pre-game interview cockiness is priceless. Always there with an impossible pass, buzzer-beating three, or self-rebound he was truly deserving of a sold-out retirement ceremony.


Steak Sandwiches
Generally cheaper than a steak of the same size but lacking in the multiple sides. Good for when you want a steak but not a huge meal and when you don't feel like paying 20 dollars for a good piece of meat.

Not Watching Comedy Inc.
Seriously, why is that show even on anymore.

Snow Angels
Much like blowing bubbles this shit is relaxing.

Bars That Give Out Free Shots When The Home Team Scores
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Nurse a cheap beer and hope the other team's defensive line sucks.

Word A Day Calenders
salubrious \suh-LOO-bree-us\, adjective: Favorable to health; promoting health; healthful.

It really is that good and it has so many memorable lines you continually be going "oh that's where that is from."

The Adventures of Robin Hood
The 1938 version with Errol Flynn. It is delightfully fun and moves at a quick pace. Plus the expert archer they brought in to do all the trick shots actually twinned an arrow which is something even the Mythbusters couldn't duplicate. Still holds up remarkably well for being almost 70 years old.

"Fidelity" by Regina Spektor
Russian born Indie-pop princess belts out this beautiful number. The first song that really made me appreciate it solely for the way it was sung.

Being Inspired
Totally helps you get things done.

Steve Nash, Pheonix Suns
I know I'm not the only one that loves the fact that the best player in the NBA is a short, white Canadian. Looking for a three-peat on the MVP this year. Also the best TSN Sportsnight segment ever (The Nash-Register).

Pasta With A Good Cream Sauce
No chunky bits makes for a more complete pasta experience. Much better than a pasta-followed-by-eating-bits-of-vegetables-afterwards experience. Adding Chicken is acceptable.

Led Zeppelin (I)
How real rock 'n roll sounds. Doesn't get enough attention anymore.

Licking Frosting/Whipped Cream Off Of Stuff
Beaters, Spatulas, Spoon, The Little Reindeer Santa Ornament That Came With The Cake. It's all good and all satisfying.

"Too Short For Gidget" by The Brunettes
If you are the Tall Guy or Short Girl in any of your groups of friends then this song should be your anthem. Also it uses an organ which tends to sell me on the spot.

Fluke by Christopher Moore
An insanely, comedic book about whale biologists. Contains characters that will remind you of at least one science teacher in your past and is chalk full of science jokes that will double the humour value if you were ever a science major in University (even if you dropped out to pursue your love of theatre, dance, astrology, or anything else that your parents totally supported but not without a hint of disappointment in their voices that you still haven't come to terms with...I mean...nothing).

Stick It
My ultimate guilty pleasure. The epitome of so bad it is good and secretly appealing to anyone who defiantly tossed up "the horns" when they were in high school. Plus you can always lie and say you were confused by the presence of Jeff Bridges and you though it was the sequel to The Big Lebowksi. And as an added bonus it actually manages to be a little bit charming and funny, but don't tell anyone I said that.

Returning Library Books On Time
The library is awesome because it is free and has a better selection than Chapters so it stand to reason that not having to avoid going there because you don't want to pay late fees is awesome too.

Having A Gallery Showing Of Your Artwork
Granted I've never done this but doesn't it look like it would be so much fun. Also loads of friends, praise from friends, and booze.

British Accents
Still awesome, but mostly only if you are actually from Britain.

Good bye Lenin!
Funny, smart, emotionally touching and I don't even speak German. Wolfgang Becker's third feature film is a genuinely good movie that doesn't need an over-abundance of style to be interesting.

The Warriors
Pure style. Pure Awesome. The only film I would ever personally want to remake just because it would be so much fun and not because I think I could do a better job.

Downhill Winter Sports
Nothing quite beats the brilliance of strapping in to something edged and waxed and flying down a mountain through 2 feet of fresh powder. My personal poison is snowboarding but skiing is just as awesome (I don't discriminate).

At Least One Pair Of Garishly Coloured Socks
If you have shoes on they can be your little secret, and everyone likes to have secrets. In a pinch they are also good for a quick laugh. Very satisfying. Mine are orange and brown. I like to wear them with a suit.

The semi-colon (;)
I know just enough to make me wish I knew how to use it properly. Some day.

BBC's The IT Crowd
A near perfect mix of physical humour, wit, and brilliant comedic performances. The first season is available on DVD so you should pick it up. Manages to keep each episode self-contained but have evolving character relationships over only six episodes.

Bernard Black
The Irish lead character of Britain's Black Books. Manages to be bitter, drunken, and whimsical all at once and I am convinced he has the greatest facial expressions of all time. Played by Shaun of the Dead's Dylan Moran.

Owning A Suit
If you are a man there is nothing more empowering and satisfying then suiting up. It always makes you look at least 3 times better than you normally do and it makes you feel like the most awesome man in the room no matter how deep in to the hard times you are.

Still the single best way to show approval, friendship, and pretty much any other positive emotion.

Arguably equal to hi-fives in satisfaction but not quite as all-purpose. Generally reserved for greetings, departures, and stronger positive emotions/affirmations. Always socially acceptable unless you are a douche bag.

"Frontier Psychiatrist" by The Avalanches
It's got a good beat, it's catchy, and has some killer samples. Also it's downright hilarious and the music video is even better.

Dropkick Murphys' Blackout
A solid punk album that is a refreshing departure from the whiny-voiced, high-pitched guitar schlock that passes for punk these days. It's loud, a little angry, rough, and unabashedly Irish. Some of this band's songs were also featured in The Departed which adds a little extra cool to them and by association this album.

A little time away from TV and the internet could do us all good. Also there is the chance for pitch-black makeouts.

Everything Is Illuminated
Has a couple of good laugh-until-it-hurts moments, assuming you find people refering to their dog, Sammy Davis Jr. Jr., as a seeing eye bitch funny, and then it sucker punches you with a touching and thought provoking ending.

Running With Scissors
Way funnier then I expected it to be and based on a true story. Alec Baldwin, Annette Benning, Gwyneth Paltrow and Brian Cox are all brilliant. Evan Rachel Wood is slowly gaining my respect after the cliched pile of dung that was Thirteen. I didn't even regonize Joseph Fiennes but he was pretty excellent too. Jill Clayburgh broke my heart as the only normal one who just wants everyone to be happy. Is often remarked as being "more like when it was called The Royal Tenenbaums" by pretentious film snobs. Strongly recommended.

What Not To Wear on TLC
Another guilty pleasure. Heartwarmingly good natured when you see people succeed in becoming fashionable normal people, yet it also caters to the inner sadists as the host are brutally honest and sometimes even mean. Stacy and Clinton also have a great dynamic as hosts that make them a blast to watch.

Not Having Your Longboard Stolen
I mean really, what the hell!!!

It's a great word and I think you will enjoy saying it. Not for use around children.

Watching The Saturday Afternoon Game In Your Pajama Pants
There really is nothing more relaxing that doesn't involve hot water or another person. A bowl of Cheerios can also add that extra something to the mix.

Restaurant Garlic, Mashed Potatoes
It's the craving you never knew you had. Creamy, fluffy, and with just the right amount of garlic that you can never get at home.

Barbeque On The Beach
Bring a frisbee and the boche balls. Perfect way to spend an afternoon off. And for those in need of a quick letch there is bound to be at least one scantily clad girl in the midst.

Bose Headsets
They give a good, clean, rich sound and add that little extra amount of seperation from the real world. Musical escapism at its best.

Robert Altman
I don't know if this whole overlapping dialogue thing will take off, but I just saw M*A*S*H* and I think this kid is going to do alright.

They breathe like boxers and provide the lift and lack of riding often found in briefs. Also look the coolest.

Having Friendly Gatherings Over TV Shows
OC night, The Office parties, weekly Lost addicts club, and many more. Turning something naturally non-social into an excuse to hang-out (more friends need it then you would think) and drink is considerably cool.

PaperMate Clickster .5 mm Mechanical Pencil
My art pencil of choice. Rarely breaks lead by producing too much when clicked and has a comfortable grip and conveinient clicker location. Is affordable enough to lose even when recently filled with lead.

Admitting That You Like At LEast One New Hip-Hop Song/Artist
We all know you do because we all do too so just own up. You'll find that we probably like that song too. This doesn't apply to people who just like any old rap as you just have bad taste. I personally dig Gnarls Barkely and not just because of the awesome basketball pun in the name.

Yep, It's still good.

Pit: The Game
Card-based simulated commodities trading game. Shouting not-so-random numbers at your friends is more fun than you'd think and also makes a great drinking game.

The media attention may have warn off but it is still being played by pretty much anyone and everyone. Make no mistake this is still the best (and most fun) way to lose twenty bucks to your friend Brian.

America: The Book
A little late here too but it is still funny and biting with great diagrams. The text book format continues to amuse me and the Canadian jokes are pleasent and manage to avoid being only about hockey (plus we still come out looking cooler than the US).

*footnotes are like director's commentary for literature. Bonus features without having to buy the DVD. Plus they are still the best way to toss in some exposition without disrupting the pace of a novel.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

2006: A Retrospective In Which My Year Isn't That Exciting

As many National Events do, The New Year began with a party at my apartment. At this party the single most badass picture of Myself, Mike, and Pete was taken. There were other pictures taken at this party but they are not nearly as awesome. Pete and Mike would go on to have an astounding year of performances with their band London Spy and I would go on to neglect to photograph each show I attended.
There were birthday parties in which I drank alcohol from a fishbowl with old roommates. The consumption of such alcohol in no way contributed to my decision to...
...get a new hairstyle (the first new hairstyle in 2.5 years). I enjoyed the faux-hawk but would later decide to let the hair grow back due to laziness. I would later re-hawk and then get lazy again.
I may have also attended film school. Achievements whilst attended this institution include losing and then finding the locking pin for the transport truck we rented. Here Brian and I celebrate having found the pin. The location here is Riverview Mental Asylum (Celebrity Sighting #1: Matthew Perry)
But mostly at film school I spent a lot of time on photoshop. Above is one of the many fake pornographic magazine covers I made for the surreal (anything could happen) comedy Appalling Self-Abuse as well as a poster for the Cannibal Romantic Comedy of the year Curious Feast. I may have worked on other shows but I lack pictures from those so we will just pretend they don't exist.
Summer arrived and so did my cousin, Courtney. She is from the strange land of Oakville and likes to kayak/canoe competitively. Anywho, she accompanied my sister and I to the beach (Jericho to be exact because Kits Beach is largely filled with people from Surrey and I have misplaced anger toward Surrey-ites for no apparent reason other than fitting in with the rest of the Greater Vancouver Regional District).
Where we barbequed with friends. Also I sang a song with hand motions I think.
Look how much fun we had!!!
Then I went home for a week. A stay in Fernie which promptly led me to go on a road trip.
To Alberta (which promptly led me to return home to Fernie). The lack of mountains was unsettling so I...
...Graduated! Pictured here is the illustrious DP2. A friendship forged in the early days of the school year whilst working on a Documentary about a boring old man who did some things during World War 2. If you are reading this blog chances are you have met at least one of these people.

A better retrospective of my year at Vancouver Film School can be found here:
I had nothing to do with it escpet for appearing occassionally.
After graduation some of us shot a short film and I started taking pictures on 35mm. Here is one that I have already posted but reposted due to the need to have a picture of this particular event in the retrospective.

Then I did a lot of job hunting/writing and was unemployed for a bit. I did do a bit of Teacher Assistant-ing for the Location Sound department at VFS which led me to use the term "My Students" much to my amusement and nobody elses.

Finally I managed to find work as a highly respected and cared for Production Assistant* on The Greatest Film Ever Made. (Celebrity Sighting #2: Jessica Alba but don't tell her that or I might get fired).
The I went home for holidays. I went snowboarding on the now incredibly expensive hill. I did however manage to catch some fresh powder which is always a bonus.
My sister also got some Freshies (or First Tracks depending on your colloqiualism preference). Seen here is a picture of her actually snowboarding because she is better than me at that and I am better at taking photographs so it was the natural order of things.
Here is my hometown as seen from the Lizard Bowl on the ski hill. I could try and point out my house because you can see it in this picture but that would be a lot of tedious, time-wasting effort on my part and I'm sure most of you would give up before you actually found it anyways.
And to bring things back round in the full circle I returned to Vancouver and threw a New Years Party (co-hosted by Amanda). Seen here are roommates, BFFs, future roommates, friends, and friends of friends. It was a good event and I will probably throw another next year if I am not living in a gutter somewhere.

Now you are probably asking "Didn't anything else interesting happen this year?" and the answer is yes a whole bunch of way, way more interesting stuff happened only I don't have any pictures of it or it is more of a personal nature and as you may know I don't discuss them on this blog rather I tend to drink and talk about them loudly at bars.

That's it for 2006, I suppose I could a few top 10 lists or something like that but I won't because we are already four days in to the New Year so I think it is time to get on with our lives and brace ourselves for all sorts of new favorite things.

Enjoy 2007 and I will see you Next Update (4-1 Cody and this one had substance like a motherfucker).

*In case you are unfamiliar with the film industry this is sarcasm. I actually stood in -20 weather on street corner and parking garages and could have been fired for looking at certain things I should not be but have not been told to avoid looking at.