Sunday, December 25, 2005

Musings About Irrelevent Things #2

Number 1 being my treatise on my love for all floating gas stations.
I think that there are few better clothing induced feelings than that of a new hoody. New Hoody Feel™ is, I will dare to submit, even better than New Sock Feel™. NSF™ does come around more often, though that is not the determining factor in making the rarer NHF™ the more desirable of the two. Rarity has nothing to do with it. Soft and warm and awesome do infact have everything to do with it. In these areas New Hoody Feel™ is the clear winner plus it encompases more surface area of the body to ensure maximum awesomeness.

1 comment:

Cody Sharpe said...

So...when are you coming out of the closet?