Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Homecoming: Good News and Bad News

Good News: I survived my flight back, not that I really had any worries about that. Thankfully this time I was not seated next to the ginormously fat guy as I have been pretty much everytime I fly between Vancouver and my hometown. This extra space facilitated my writing of a few scenes for a script which is always a good thing, especially when it relates to homework for writing class.

Bad News: I will not be doing as much snowboarding as I had hoped due to a) parents unable to afford a pass for me (political statement ahead: Fuck you Mr. Campbell) and b) the company running the hill seems to be comprised entirely of douchebags who in the holiday spirit have decided to hike the prices over christmas. Merry Xmas to you too Assholes! So now I get a day of boarding and must choose my day wisely for maximimum powderability.

Good News: Cherry Tarts are still awesome

Bad News: The Weather is all about the icey rain right now

Good News: It WILL be a white christmas

Bad News: This computer does not easily facilitate my watching of short films for research

Good News: Bars are a-hopping and I feel like having some brewskis avec my Fernie friends.

Summary: X-Mas scheduling will have to be re-evaluated to account for less snowboarding and possibly more drinking. As I imagine someone might say in this situation "Crunk Crunk It's time to get Drunk!"

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