Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ode to the Internets: 3rd Verse: Disappointment

Oh Internets it has been a while since you have provided me with something so profoundly excellent I could not help but smile. The trailers on have been lacking (with the notable exception of the 2nd Superman Returns trailer) and blogs have fallen into a lul or dissapeared entirely (et tu Amanda?).

However, it is not simply a lack of material, no, proved that to be incorrect. I am angry with you internets because you have betrayed me. I'm looking at you MySpace. We always had a tenuous relationship, it would be fair to say that I alternated between finding you mildly amusing and merely tolerating you. Then you went and tried to steal my intellectual property. Shame on you.

Now you may have changed your policies MySpace but I am still dissapointed. No amount of midget ninjas can change that.

Good Day!

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