Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Stu Posts an MSN Conversation...
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
then you should eat
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
I am eating
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and not something healthy either
Yumi says:
isn't that rediculous though? x.x
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
like a big fucking pizza
Yumi says:
I'm eating hot chocolate and banana bread?
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
loaded with cheeze and greasy meats
Yumi says:
I'm really not a very big fan of pizza..
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
carb load
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
like a football guy in the movies trying to add pounds cause coach told him to and if he doesn't then he will be off the team and if he isn't on the team not only will his dad disown him because his dad is a terrible parent and trying to recapture his lost glory days by living vicariously through his son but also Shirley his cheerleader girlfriend will leave him because she only date guys who have
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
letter jackets and are on whatever team she is currently cheering for despite the fact that he gave her a promise ring and she totally said they were going steady so he really has to gain those ten pounds by the big game even though he really wants to go to the big party and Mr. Kingston the renegade teacher who cares is trying to get him involved in something more academic and it is turning out
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
*blink blink*
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
that he is actually a talented writer and he won an award for that essay he submitted to the big magazine in town.
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
I'm spent
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
It's sooooooooooo true
Yumi says:
I don't know, I sort of just want to like... be the teachers pet and go for the writing
Yumi says:
who cares about Shirley, she's a dumb ho
Yumi says:
and my dad is a flake but my mom stil loves me?
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
your mum died in the first act because without that happening there wouldn't be enough dramatic tension and she was sick with cancer and she used to be a writer but gave up her dreams because she married her highschool sweetheart who just so happens to be your dad only the marriage ended up being loveless and she was taking a shine to the renegade teacher because she was given the courage to do so
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
oh my god
Yumi says:
can we write this movie
Yumi says:
but can it be about a sport like badmitton or something?
Yumi says:
table tennis?
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
because she was dying only she realized that if she ever followed through with her desires then she would be hurting you so she kept them to herself and even on her deathbed said nothing
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
we need to think of an even more rediculous sport though
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
feel free to come over immediately and we will write it
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
I have to put on clothes and go to the library
Yumi says:
to pick up books on business administration
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
well anytime after immediately you can also feel free to come over and we will write it
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
I will think of more cliches
Yumi says:
his best friend has to steal his girl
Yumi says:
and then he has to become buddies with the high school dork who was his best friend in elementary school but who chose not to be popular
Yumi says:
possibly a girl, so that there can be a love thing
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and he realizes that his best friends aren't really his best friends they only like him because he is popular and he is only popular because they like him
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and he needs a grizzled old mentor played by sean connery
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
who is an author or a painter or something like that
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
maybe an author and a painter
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and a photographer
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and other artistic things
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
but everyone thinks he is just the curmudgeony old crazy guy
Yumi says:
totally, he's the neighbor
Yumi says:
and he does things like prune his roses naked
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
he is the neighbor only his house is somehow on a hill
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and there are trees
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and rose bushes
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
to further seclude him
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and he shouts at people
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
he could also optionally be played by Samuel L. Jackson in age make-up
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
omg can he please
Yumi says:
can he mutter something about mother fucking snakes in his mother fucking bushes?
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
it could be both Sam Jackson and Sean Connery as a lovable pair of curmudgeons who are lifetime friends
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
heterosexual lifemates if you will
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
who once led a life of adventure
Yumi says:
whose wives died together in a terrible car crash
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and of cancer
Yumi says:
so they relied on eachother for strength
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
at the same time
Yumi says:
wait wait
Yumi says:
can we be contemprary
Yumi says:
and have them die of AIDS?
Yumi says:
or maybe the athletes mom can die of aids
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
no cancer is sadder
Yumi says:
is it?
Yumi says:
I hate cancer, it's so lame
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
there can be a kid at school who has AIDS though
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
oooh this is absurd
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
who he befriends
Yumi says:
I need to run and catch a bus so that I can get to the library
Yumi says:
but you keep thinking, and I'll talk to you later
*NOTE* My MSN name comes from a wonderful BBC TV show called Black Books. Go and watch it straight away. It is truly fantastic *END NOTE*
I Have Invented a New Kind of Blogging
This blog post has been created for the sole purpose of informing you that I am updating.
I have updated. This is the update.
Just in case you were not aware of what this was. It is an update.
The next update will update you on the status of the next update.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I Update Because I Can, Not Because I Want To
I have updated!
Nothing of substance mind you but that is only because I am contractually obligated to not talk about my job. At least not somewhere that the lawyers can see me. ANYWAYS, I really really really want this on a shirt:

I call it Elitist Appliances. So If any of you are feeling particularly charitable (I am unemployed again if that makes you feel more inclined to buy me things) then you can buy this for me. Also I don't care if you don't get it because Amanda understands so I know I'm not crazy. Or we both are. Either way I've managed to avoid boredom for 7 minutes while I made this post.
*I am going stir crazy
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Some Arts VI: Bride of the Arts

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
35mmm: The Extra M is for Magic

And just in case everyone was having too much fun with this photoblog here is the 1st Assistant Director, Wes, in his best AD pose to remind us all that we probably have more important work to be doing and that we are in fact 5 away (5 what? Away from what? Who knows? But it's close...I think!).
PS Holding a boom pole on your shoulders for over 30 minutes straight is extremely bad for your back and will result in pain. I learned this for free and now so did you. No charge. Thank me later
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Welcome To Rocktoberfest!

See you there!
-EDIT- Poster is courtesy of Cam and his Magical Offensularious Poster-Making Skills -EDIT-
Bam! I'm Back On The Internets!
These are some fake travel stickers that adorned a piece of set dressing that I am actually pretty sure you can't even see in focus in any of the shots in a short film called Curious Feast. The movie is about a grad student who is writing a dissertation about suburban cannibals and these were for his Zany Professors office.
Anyone who is offended by this one is a jackass. There are tribes in Kenya, deal with it!
...and there are drugs in Columbia. I know because I watched Scarface once.
And monkeys really are the only selling feature of the Congo. They probably have tribes too but google doesn't have any pictures of them readily available so I went with monkeys (I know the gorilla is an ape but "monkeys" is a funnier word, so again I will have to ask you all to DEAL WITH IT!).
Monday, July 10, 2006
T-Shirt Design: Political Incorrectness Ahoy!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Ode to the Internets: 4th Verse: Dance Number
Everyone should check out this 10 minute doc I found online. It was shot entirely on a digital still camera in film clip mode and is quite excellent.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Musings About Irrelevant Things #4
There are exceptions like buffalo or bear or even moose, but for the most part you have to think of a different name for what you are eating, or three different names in the case of pig (god help you if you call your ham "pork").
Monday, June 05, 2006
Some Arts V: Arts In Space
To make up for the wait colour and crisp word bubbles may be involved (the word bubbles for sure the colour, well I've gotten lazy before let's just say it could happen again). The following page is in a similar state of completion only it has not been scanned.
At any rate it is guarenteed to be more enjoyable than X3 which as you may have guessed I did not enjoy. But if you did enjoy it then just think of how much more you will enjoy these coming pages of Masked Avenger.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Ode to the Internets: Chorus: I'm Sorry
The Helicopter is bleeding. Bleeding.
Thank you.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Ode to the Internets: 3rd Verse: Disappointment
However, it is not simply a lack of material, no, proved that to be incorrect. I am angry with you internets because you have betrayed me. I'm looking at you MySpace. We always had a tenuous relationship, it would be fair to say that I alternated between finding you mildly amusing and merely tolerating you. Then you went and tried to steal my intellectual property. Shame on you.
Now you may have changed your policies MySpace but I am still dissapointed. No amount of midget ninjas can change that.
Good Day!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Digicine X: The Concept Art

In the script it is supposed to be an oversized men's shirt but I guess my comic book style (ie scantily clad women with insanely unrealistic proportions) got the better of me.

May has been in the script since long before it was even science fiction. Basically I expected Katie H. to play her because a)she's blonde b)she actually has a sword c)she has a black belt in Tai Kwan Do (which to the unknowing eye I could easily pretend was Kung-Fu).

Hotaru was the first design I did. He had no lines and was pretty much inteded to be played by Ian because basically Ian looks exactly like I imagined this Japanese-named white guy, and also because Ian has previously demanded that I put him in a movie that I make.

Mr. Wong is not necessarily my favorite character (that honour goes to Eddie, the only character I did not do a design for), however, he is definately my favorite design. I like the mix of modern and traditional in his design. I also like the tatoos which was something I continued over from Hotaru.

And here is the protagonist. Basically I wanted a guy that looked like he was decked out for war but rode a basic bike. he also needed to look like he fit right into the poor, illegal-lofting, drug-using, street-fighting world. I am definately happy with the way he turned out and the fanny pack amuses me to no end.
These pieces also represent my return to the world of colouring (hold the cheers I'll probably still back out when it comes to Masked Avenger comics).
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Stuart: 1 Riptides: 0
Beautiful, serene, wet.
I have wanted to try my hand at surfing for a while now as I have needed something to fill the void of snowboarding during the summer and my longboard is still broken. My friend Katie happens to love surfing and also happened to be going to Tofino this weekend. Tofino, for those of you not in the know, is BC's own little surf town (featured in an MTV movie no less). Needless to say I decided to tag along and try my hand at the only style of boarding I have not yet experienced. I traded my frozen oceans for the real deal.

The trip to Tofino is a pretty beautiful one. It oddly reminds me of the area around Fernie (Elk Valley) only with about a foot of moss covering everything. Despite that, however, I only took one picture out the window trying to perfect my Spielberg-esque "rear-view mirror" shot. You can see my hand so I guess I failed.
So we arrived and went to get some dinner at a restaurant on the waterfront. I saw some Killer Whales, or Orca for you Politically Correct Cetacean Crusaders out there. I did not have my camera on me so no pictures of the creatures for you.
The next morning we went and picked up some gear for me and made our way out to Cox Bay, the only place that looked like it had managable waves as opposed to waves that would crush and fling me about like a ragdoll. 45 minutes of pleasent attempted surfing followed. I managed to get up onto one foot and a knee which I hear is pretty good for a first attempt. My second attempt never came.
We were too far from the middle of the bay and thusly we were in the out flow zone i.e. The currents were flowing in at the middle of the bay and out at the sides of the bay. Caught in the back current Katie and I quickly found ourselves a little less than a half mile from the shore.
We paddled to little avail, essentially staying in the same spot and tiring ourselves out. A kayaker noticed our plight and towed us in abit but he too soon realized that the current was too strong for him to pull the both of us in to shore. He scouted out the rock wall of the side of the bay and found a place for us to climb out of the water. We waited for the water to recede and then scrambled up onto the rocks before the next wave had a chance to throws us against them.
We were safe but still a long way from the shore, so we started to hike. We stuck close to the water where barnacles lent some grip and the danger of ravines was more easily avoided. It was slow going but thankfully the Coast Guard showed up. We jumped back in with our boards and paddled over to their boat. Somewhere in the activity I sprained my right wrist (which happens to be the one that I damaged during the summer and which has not healed to full capacity).
They got Katie in fairly close to shore and back in the middle of the bay and she paddled back in to the beach so she could get the car. A park ranger surfed out a bit to help her along the way. I opted out of the paddling seeing as how I could barely move my wrist and was treated to a sweet, high-speed boat ride over some huge swells.
Back at the CG station the Coast Guard hooked me up with some hot tea and cookies. They also gave me the ill-fitting, fleece onesy to warm me up and replace my soaking wet wetsuit. Katie soon showed up bearing dry clothes and beer and we were on our merry way. Kudos to the Tofino Coast Guard, I really can't say enough good things about those folks, even if they did dress me up like an Oompa-loompa.
And that is the story of how I was almost washed out to sea this weekend.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Musings About Irrelevant Things #3
Just more proof of the awesome power of the Jacks.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Ode to the Internets: 2nd Verse

Friday, March 03, 2006
Things Primetime TV Has Taught Me: Part 1

Dr. Jack Sheppard. Though not a secret agent Dr. Jack is a doctor, no, a surgeon which is like a doctor but you get to physically decide people's fates daily (sort of like GOD: the Game). Also he has survived being a)thrown from a plane b) living almost 2 months on a tropical island inhabited by wild boars, polar bears, crazy people with guns, sharks, and a swirly cloud of death smoke. Dr. Sheppard's other badass accomplishments: 1)tried to sew up his own back wound shortly after the plane crash and 2) gave a blood tranfusion from himself to Boone using a sea urchin spine as a makeshift needle all the while performing surgery on the man with limited tools and then attempting to amputate Boone's shattered leg by slamming a cargo container door down on it (this may be the simgle most badass course of action ever taken).
Seeing as how TV never lies the evidence must be conclusive: Jack is the most badass name in the universe. That is not to say that anyone named Jack is a complete badass but rather that by being named Jack you have better odds of becoming a badass.
Give your child a fighting chance and name him Jack. Seriously. Do it.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Digicine X: A Treatment
Nick, a 26 year old unkempt but fit man, sits amid a row of boxes in the main office of a bike courier service. He puts on a bullet proof vest, combat boots, and a helmet bearing the CyclePath Deliveries company logo. While he does this he also explains what his job as a mid-21st century bike courier entails. The last items he straps on are a stun baton and a field emergency med kit.
Eve, a 24 year old stunningly beautiful blonde, lies in Nick’s bed. Nick joins her and produces two pills of Digicine X, a high tech version of Ecstasy. The two take their pills and begin to kiss. A phone rings. It is Nick’s cell phone and his boss is on the other end of the line begging Nick to come in to deliver just one package, “an emergency,” he explains. Nick pulls on his jeans and assures Eve that he will be back before the drug has time to kick in.
When he arrives at the offices of CyclePath Deliveries Nick is given a heavy square box. His boss explains that someone is paying a lot of money to get it where it is supposed to go and that where it is going is to Mr. Wing, the crime baron of Neo Hong Kong. Nick warns his boss that he has just taken Digicine and his boss tells him to use some of the adrenaline in the med kits to kill the nanobots before they take effect. Nick refuses on the grounds that several months’ salary went into purchasing the drugs and to not experience them with Eve would be a crime.
Nick arrives at the offices of Mr. Wing, who is accompanied by several guards and a beautiful blonde with something wrapped in cloth strapped to her back. Nick presents the package to the crime lord who opens it to reveal the head of a young woman, Mr. Wing’s daughter. Simultaneously the Digicine X in Nick’s body begins to affect him and he begins to lose his composure.
Mr. Wing gets very angry at the perceived insult Nick has just given him and orders his men to kill him. Ricky, a 20-something tall, lanky man in a dishevelled suit, leaps across the table at a very distressed Nick and throws a heavy right hook. Nick in his panicked state manages to dodge the punch and produce the stun baton out of its holster. He jabs the tip into Ricky’s stomach and the goon falls to the ground twitching from the shock.
Nick runs for the door, out into the streets of Neo Hong Kong, and eventually finds himself hiding in an underground parking lot. He sits down against a wall around the corner from the entrance and tries to catch his breath. “Are you specifically trying to get us killed?” asks a disembodied voice. Nick looks up to see himself staring back at him. His doppelganger tries to convince Nick to take the adrenaline and get the hell out of here. Nick rubs his eyes in disbelief and the hallucination has disappeared.
Nick hears the sound of the underground parking gate opening and he peers around the corner. Mr. Wing’s blonde in traditional Kung Fu-style clothing is walking down the entranceway. Nick turns away from the edge of the wall to keep from being seen and ends up looking into the eyes of a hallucination of Eve. The fake Eve flirts with Nick begging him to not do away with the drugs and come home and make love to her. Nick is about to give in when Eve is replaced by the Kung Fu Blonde who promptly punches Nick in the face.
The Blonde continues to beat up on Nick until she lands one astoundingly strong punch that throws nick several parking stalls across the lot and into a wall. The Blonde pulls the item wrapped in cloth off of her back and places the tip of it on the ground. She pulls the cord off and the cloth falls to the floor revealing a sword in scabbard. The Blonde begins to charge towards Nick as she slowly draws the sword from its sheath. Eve has reappeared before Nick but he ignores her and stabs the adrenaline needle into his own chest. The effects are instantaneous and Nick springs to his feet, charges the Blonde, slams the half drawn sword back into its scabbard, and delivering a killing blow to the Blonde’s face.
Nick stands silent over the crumples body of his would-be killer for a brief moment and then walks out of the garage. He leaves Neo Hong Kong through its giant archway without further incident.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Ode to the Internets
Monday, February 13, 2006
Production Stills, Outtakes, and Ommissions of 2005 and the first few hours of 2006 Photoblog
DISCLAIMER: VFS Film Production Class 107 Documentary Project Group #2 (13th Mission/A Wartime Log) is, honestly, a wonderfully professional and serious group. Any evidence otherwise is bullshit, lies, and likely concocted by the government to discredit us. I swear. For serious.

I was also going to post a picture of the high scores I got playing Minesweeper (3 seconds on beginner and 59 seconds on intermediate) whilst working night shift at the hotel in the summer, but it seemed kind of lame and also provided concrete proof of my daily reading of MSN Celebs (I can stop anytime I want...I swear). Thus I didn't post it leaving you the humble reader to have no more pretty pictures to look at.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Stupid Things I Will Be Doing In The Near Future
1) Song Day - participants in this day are only allowed to speak in song. I believe this might actually be this coming monday. It probably won't be too much different then me singing "It's Not Unusual" by Tom Jones all the time.
2) Mohawk Month - at least 3 to 4 of us (VFS kids) are going to shave our heads into mowhawks sometime in the next month. Mayhem shall ensue. I'm going for the Heroine Bob look and pushing for Gamblor to do the horns.
3) Bad Pick-Up Line Night - Hansworth, Steve, and I have decided that going to a random club and trying just about every cheesy and horrible pick-up technique/line is necessary. This will likely involve no real intention to meet girls and a hat from which we will draw bad pick-up lines. I also expect to get slapped at least . If I don't then I am not trying hard enough.
4) The Competition - ever see Seinfeld? Yeah. That competition. I think it starts in a week. I should probably get prepared.
5) Who knows, but it will probably be stupid and involve me being harmed physically in some way.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Happy Picture Lock Day!

Friday, January 20, 2006
Fashionably Late

Drawings by everyone and their dog can be found here:
Also: who thinks I should try and update more often as a sketchblog?
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Doing It Execution Style
I think that this Penny Arcade is one of the funnier things I have seen in the past month at least. God this makes me want to buy nerf™ products and have nerf™ fights again...
I'm a nerd.