I was going through my photography folder and decided that I would post some random photos that, except for the first, have no real relation to each other. So here it is, the not-about-particularly-anything photoblog (with witty commentary):
VFS Film Production Class 107 Documentary Project Group #2 (13th Mission/A Wartime Log) is, honestly, a wonderfully professional and serious group. Any evidence otherwise is bullshit, lies, and likely concocted by the government to discredit us. I swear. For serious.
See, professional. Casey did not actually know what was on the sign which makes the fact that he made that face all the funnier to me. Also, just because he didn't know what was on the sign does not necessarily mean it isn't true. The sign know all!

What is the giant white thing in front of me? A styrofoam bounce board. What are we doing you ask? we are shooting a shot of the little stone man on the cabinet. What for you ask? A documentary about a WWII prisoner of war. Does my shirt have a ninja on it? Yes, for I am 10 Ninjas. What is Steve looking at? It appears to be my nether regions.

We spent the better part of a day shooting pictures of the old man's journal in the basement of our school. I do not believe any of the footage made it into the film but I did photoshop our credits so as to make them look like they were printed onto the cover. We almost used a shot of a letter from the journal (INSIDE JOKE/ Letters from home could be good and they could be bad...many of them were bad /END INSIDE JOKE)

...professional...can you guess what the pictogram says? 10 points if you can.

From an earlier shoot. We were shooting Hans in a bath all hitchcock-like (artistic choice Mr. Cinematography Instructor!) and we needed to get sound without Steve being in the shot. SUCCESS!

A rejected picture from the moustache month photoblog. This is post-midnight, I had finally gotten rid of the rancid thing and was extremely happy about it and also in Hans' room for some reason.

Devin and Jezhel. Devin is looking sceptical about having his picture taken. Steve mistook Jezhel for something she was not (I will not repeat for sake of not wanting a feud between my friends). ALSO, I did not notice until just now that Devin and I were wearing identically coloured shirts.

...I was so mad at the similar shirts (continuity error) that I fought my sister. My bosses at Saffron Productions (the travel show thing) looked on and threatened to fire me if I lost. So I didn't. I won by using a noogie-esque finishing move I like to call "A Move That Is Exactly Like A Noogie But Not."

Travel back in time to Fernie and a picture that didn't make the Fernie photoblog. I like the way the sky looks in this one and I have no witty commentary for it...sooo...BUTTS LOL!!1!!...shut up.

Travel even further back to the days when I lived in New Westminster. This is photographic evidence of the single most epic act of recycling ever, EVER! I took a low angle shot as well, for that mythic look, but it did not capture the full scope of how much crap we crammed into Hans' van. However, before you start thinking that we are awesome recyclers and such remember that this much crap had to acummulate in our house first...we're better now though I swear...

Pete kissing Ghandi, who is wearing a lei. I don't think this one needs witty commentary to be funny.

I like this one because it looks like Pete was playing the guitar so hard that his hand dissappeared. Also because it looks like Lisa and Pete and giving each other intense stares of longing.

New West. Drunken Snowman. He turns away because he is ashamed of his addiction. His outstretched hand says, "don't look at me for I am hideous." He later died of melting.

Matty. A man who truly know the meaning of St. Patrick's Day. That meaning being wearing green and drinking three beers at once. Even though the beers are not Irish. They are however in green bottles so they still count. Speaking of St. Patrick's Day I am throwing a St. Patrick's Day party here. So bring all your friends out to Kits on March 17th (a friday) 2006.
I was also going to post a picture of the high scores I got playing Minesweeper (3 seconds on beginner and 59 seconds on intermediate) whilst working night shift at the hotel in the summer, but it seemed kind of lame and also provided concrete proof of my daily reading of MSN Celebs (I can stop anytime I want...I swear). Thus I didn't post it leaving you the humble reader to have no more pretty pictures to look at.
1 comment:
casey loves homosexuals. ten points 4 me. ana 3 stu 0
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