Got back on the Masked Avenger-verse horse a little bit this week doing what I enjoy doing most: Creating superheroes based on my friends. The results, based on everyones favorite roommates and my BFFs, can be found below.

Why Amanda is The Journalist is pretty self explanatory, I think. The design is one of the few "classic" cape and mask characters I have done. The only other really being The Masked Avenger himself.

As always the inspiration for these characters comes from life even if it is simply an inside joke. This one sort-of falls into the same catagory of Garage-Man (ambiguous jester hat-based powers that have nothing to do with a garage), Iankylosaurus (very few people understand Ian's love of armored dinosaurs), and Muffin-Gal (Katie + Never-ending crumbly muffin = had to be there). If you truly want to understand get Amanda to sing you a song called "My Roommate Has A Bionic Armpit". The design came from a noted lack of the stereotypical multinational spy organization (S.H.E.I.L.D. in Marvel and those guys Guardian and the telepath dude with Horns work for in DC). More on this organization to come when I post the picture I am currently working on of it's leader.
1 comment:
I UPDATED. So you should update too. We can have an update-off!
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