In the script it is supposed to be an oversized men's shirt but I guess my comic book style (ie scantily clad women with insanely unrealistic proportions) got the better of me.

May has been in the script since long before it was even science fiction. Basically I expected Katie H. to play her because a)she's blonde b)she actually has a sword c)she has a black belt in Tai Kwan Do (which to the unknowing eye I could easily pretend was Kung-Fu).

Hotaru was the first design I did. He had no lines and was pretty much inteded to be played by Ian because basically Ian looks exactly like I imagined this Japanese-named white guy, and also because Ian has previously demanded that I put him in a movie that I make.

Mr. Wong is not necessarily my favorite character (that honour goes to Eddie, the only character I did not do a design for), however, he is definately my favorite design. I like the mix of modern and traditional in his design. I also like the tatoos which was something I continued over from Hotaru.

And here is the protagonist. Basically I wanted a guy that looked like he was decked out for war but rode a basic bike. he also needed to look like he fit right into the poor, illegal-lofting, drug-using, street-fighting world. I am definately happy with the way he turned out and the fanny pack amuses me to no end.
These pieces also represent my return to the world of colouring (hold the cheers I'll probably still back out when it comes to Masked Avenger comics).
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