WEEK 2: Rising Action (...a little inside I know)
Still a handsome devil only with more of a hasn't-shaved, leather jacket, bad boy kind of look. There is a tiny bit of shadow there which is actually quite pathetic considering it has been a week growth. This however did prolong the negative lady-repelling effects of Moustache Month, so there. I did however have to put up with people constantly asking if I had shaved every morning. This resulted in much frustrated arm flailing.

Steve had equal trouble growing but seeing as how he had darker hair his lack of growth was much less accentuated. He did however bitch a lot more than I ever did about how itchy it was at this point.

Mr. McClurken here was off to a good start and had some respectable, manly stubble. So far it looks like he is in the lead seeing as how Dave's picture has dissapeared into the ether.

Mr. Fudge had some respectable chin hair but nothing along the side. No 'chops for him.

This is Tim. Tim did not have a week 1 photo, but he does have a better five o'clock shadow than I do. This is because Tim is 38... (In the background is my cinematography professor (who refused to participate on the grounds of being murdered by his wife).

Hey, It's Chris who happens to be Mr. Fudge's roommate. Chris liked his stubble a little too much and felt it would help him with the ladies. There were rumblings at this point that he might not shave it as according to the rules of moustache month...bastard.
WEEK 3: The Horror, The Horror
Look Ma I have stubble...shitty useless stubble. This picture is in a bowling alley because we went bowling for Steve's day of birth. We left approxiamately five minutes before we would have been kicked out for our reckless bowling methods. This facial hair prompted Ian to say that I should never be allowed to grow a beard again. I agree. This picture is taken about 5 hours before the precise moment I lost all self esteem due to facial hair. It also marks the point in this timeline where I began to have to fight the urge to shave every morning.

Once again, same bad facial hair only in a darker model. Steve spent at least one morning standing in the bathroom holding his shaver and cream in front of the mirror in the grip of a battle of the wills. The outcome: he did have enough willpower to not shave. That's how Snake On A Plane rolls. Dramatic, bitch!

Fuck Dave! Fuck him and his full facial hair!

The facial hair Casey had at the beginning of week 2 seemed to have gone into a strange sort of stasis around the midway mark. His early performance however kept him from ridicule. I was not so lucky.

No Mr. Fudge this week but we do have the Abbot to his Costello, Chris, again. Chris was still giving a fairly strong performance and there were still some rumblings about not shaving. At least there were until I confronted and quashed such notions. I do these things because I am a hero and Alpha and Omega of Snakes On A Plane...biotch!
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