Remember when I said that I would provide weekly updates for the terror that was moustache month? Yeah well I lied. Remember when I said that before and then promised an end of moustache month update? I lied then too. But now, just over a week later, I have come through. I present to you the carefully structured, wittily commentary'd, Marvelous Moustache Month three parts...because I like to make people wait. LET PART ONE BEGIN!!!
WEEK 1: The Shavening
Here are our heroes pre-shaving, though it is only noticable on Dave (a trend that would continue). From left we have Me (aka Alpha and Omega), Steve (aka Dynamite Jones), Casey (aka The Crazy Cuban), and Dave (aka The One Who Can Actually Grow Facial Hair).

If you ever wondered what the super-exclusive secret society of Snakes On A Plane looks like here is the best possible example I could find. Look how organized we are all lined up like that for maximum picturability. As a sidenot Dave isn't actually taller than me but anticipating the pattern of the picture allowed me to duck. That's the kind of quality that gets one declared leader of Snakes On A Plane, which is by the way a totally sweet position.
WEEK 1: The Handsome Years

Look at how smartly dressed this young fellow is, nine out of ten british gentlemen agree he is quite smartly dressed and would be perfect to court their daughters. This manner of handsomness will be gone by week 2 so ladies get your looks in now.

Look how happy everyone is, filled with the hopes of wicknar and badass moustachios to come. These boys truly are filled with hopes...

and smarts. Look at Dave and his looks to the future. Only he truly knows what is to come.

Such youth is abound in our resident minor.

My contemporary Mr. Woodrow B. Fudge can barely contain the laughter.
NEXT: The Day The Laughter Died
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