Monday, August 15, 2005

The People In My Head

To start off I would like to state that I do not believe that I actually have different personalities/people living in my head. I mean seriously look at my profile picture; that is the picture of a thinking man bound by the law of Logic not some crazy person. Anywho for the purposes of the following post I will however be anthropomorphising/personifying (I can't remember which is more correct, I think it is the latter though) various aspects of my creative motivation/creativity. So sit back and enjoy this very superficial exploration of my psyche.

After a bit of a hot streak The Writer in me has taken a break. Last week I was all about writing and ideas just kept popping into my head for current scripts and such. But he is gone to wherever in my brain he goes when I find myself unable to write for an extended period of time.

Fortunately, The Artist has returned with a freaking vengeance. He is kicking every available blank piece of paper's ass and the bruises are taking the shape of awesome illustrations. I have just recently submitted a piece of pretty darn awesome comicry to Whispered Apologies . Also I have been browsing the sites of some excellent artists lately and have come away influenced and thusly my artistic products with be affected. I have been playing around with some style stuff for The Masked Avenger lately, trying to get away from my stark lines style and using more shadow and such. Pehaps a return to coloured art is not far off. It all really depends on how long The Artist sticks around.

In regards to the other people living in my head, The Director is in film hiatus induced hibernation but with the hiatus potentially coming to an end in the near future (re like 3-4 days from now) I sincerely hope he wakes the fuck up.

Also, I have been watching a lot of Entourage lately and I'll be damned if that hasn't stirred The Actor. I really wish I wasn't stuck in the least theatrically enclined town in the world right now cause I would really like to do some acting. Especially some improv as I have not done that in so very long and my bones they ache for improv.

Dang, this post was more verbose than usual. Perhaps the writer is back but in a more subtle fashion so as to not steal my attention from my new comicing endevours. Perhaps...

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