In case you did not know from time to time I do drawings. Yes I know it is hard to believe. Here are my two most recent.

This is the aformentioned Whispered Apologies piece. I wish everything that I draw ended up looking like top-right panel. Before I put in the word bubbles the road background looked even more awesome. I have become fond of the intentionally sketchy borders and also the hand drawn word bubbles and may play around with those two things in the Masked Avenger. Basically I was trying to be randomish with this comic as I will not be responsible for the words filling those hand drawn bubbles. Look for it soon (hopefully) on the Whispered Apologies site.

This started out simply as a sketch for potential panel ideas for the next page of the comic. However you may notice it is slightly more stylized than the product I have been putting forth in said comic recently. And I don't mean the sloppy border which was just a quick way to hold the picture together as it sat on a much larger piece of paper. A much more liberal use of perspective and the face is slightly more cartoony in the hair and eyes. This is not only quicker to draw but also I feel looks better. The background is also simpler which is something I may also incorporate into the comic.
Other experimentations to come will likely be focused on two things: using more shadows (to add depth and shading because only THEN does the true picture take shape) and finding ways to make the style of the comic more set and and easier and more enjoyable to draw. Easier/more enjoyable to draw = more comics.
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