1) Twilight - 3 votes
2) Monsters Vs. Aliens - 0 votes (one commenter from facebook did mention that it was "not awful")
3) New York Minute - 4 votes
4) A spin on the Lindsay Lohan Wheel of Terrible-ness - 2 votes (this catagory will be appearing again)
5) The Brain That Wouldn't Die - 0 votes
and we had one text-in vote for "Anything by Uwe Bol."
So it seems that animation and movies from the fifties aren't what you want to subject me to. Instad we will be jumping headfirst into the deep end with the "lovely" Olsen Twins. Joining me in this experiment will be my friend Jen Greene. I haven't set a date but I can assure you that by next Friday I will have at least once tried to claw my own eyes out.
Good sirs, good day.
That shouldn't be painful for you at all. You used to love Full House. We watched it every Friday night. In fact, I even remember you watching that Olsen twins movie where they go to a ranch.
I certainly didn't watch Full House for the Olsen Twins, it was all about that dreamy John Stamos...
Also, I have no recollection of this ranch-based Olsen Twins movie. I'm not saying I didn't watch it but if I did I definitely blocked out the memory,
I believe that particular Olsen Twins movie was called "To Grandmothers House We Go"? In the opening scene, they try to sell their little brother on the side of the road for fifty cents. Its worth a google.
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