Friday, April 10, 2009

And The Winner Is....

The final tally was:

1) Twilight - 3 votes
2) Monsters Vs. Aliens - 0 votes (one commenter from facebook did mention that it was "not awful")
3) New York Minute - 4 votes
4) A spin on the Lindsay Lohan Wheel of Terrible-ness - 2 votes (this catagory will be appearing again)
5) The Brain That Wouldn't Die - 0 votes

and we had one text-in vote for "Anything by Uwe Bol."

So it seems that animation and movies from the fifties aren't what you want to subject me to. Instad we will be jumping headfirst into the deep end with the "lovely" Olsen Twins. Joining me in this experiment will be my friend Jen Greene. I haven't set a date but I can assure you that by next Friday I will have at least once tried to claw my own eyes out.

Good sirs, good day.

Monday, April 06, 2009

The People Have Spoken!

And by people I mean Devin from Blambo Inc.

So from here on out I will begin my odyssey into the realm of bad movies. I will endevour to sit through the latest from such artists as The Olsen Twins, Uwe Bol (who incidentally is an alright guy), and I won't even yell at the screen when Michael Bay ruins my childhood.

One thing.

I will not, absolutely will NOT watch Ankle Biters. I won't do it and you can't make me. I don't have anything against midget vampires, I promise you, but this movie produced eye bleeding and angry vomiting within mere minutes of me starting to watch it. I won't do that to myself again.

Having been privy to the first five minutes of the worst movie ever made I am however willing to consider myself immune to the effects of any other film. I will even subject myself once more to the penis close-up-fest that is Stoned if you ask it of me.

It is a good year for it too, as Hollywood seem particularly intent on ruining my childhood nostalgia with a barrage of awful movies. In coming months you can expect me to cry (and record the tears here on this blog) as Transformers 2, GI Joe, and *shudder* the Dragonball Movie assault my sense with awfulness.

Until then you get to vote (exciting right?). And the voting begins now:

1) Twilight (twinkly vampires and all.)
2) Monsters Vs. Aliens (My roommate says it's god awful, will he be proven wrong?)
3) New York Minute
4) A spin on the Lindsay Lohan wheel of terrible-ness (which I will create and film for posterity)
5) The Brain That Wouldn't Die (The 1959 classic)

You can vote by sending me a message, email, or twitter. Hell you can write on my Facebook wall if you need to just get to it already!