First things first, I don't want to go into length about my absence or wax poetic about how I will post more in the future. Chances are I won't, anyways. So that is the last of that, now on to the real deal. The reason you came. Le Grande... "French word for blog".
Reading! Writing! 'Rithmatic?
I've been writing, not here obviously, but I've been writing none the less. If you know me then you are probably aware I have several "in development" projects that always seem to be in one state or another of incompleteness. well now we can add two more to that list.
The second idea (chronologically, but presented first to be mysterious and confusing) is temporarily titled The Dagda is a simple tale about a man who discovers that the Northern European mythologies are all true. I expect that the story will follow the structure of the Hero's Tale as most myth stories tend to do, but I'm not quite that far along. For now I am content to dream up images of Faerie Folk laughing in the woods around a Chilliwack dairy farm and Thor as a grizzled old barkeep who keeps a hammer under the bar to deal with unruly sorts.
The first and most advanced of these ideas is City of Glass (after the Douglas Coupland book). Set in Vancouver, it is intended to be an exploration of what it means to be our generation (I think we are on Y though in reality we are probably somewhere between X and Y). It is a project that I am working on with my writing partner Ron Richard, who will also act as the Director of Photography once we get to shooting.
I am posting these ideas on the World Wide Web (F the Internet 2.0, I'm kicking it old school) in hopes that it will keep me motivated to finish both these projects. So if you are reading this feel free to drop me a line and ask how things are-a-comin'. I'd more than welcome the support and I might even send you a page or two to read.
Speaking of reading, my rampage on the literary world continues. Though my voracity has not yet matched my record of 7 books in January, I am still going strong. In fact I just finish this less than 14 hours ago:
And I was pleasantly surprised. Mr. Faulks did a fairly decent job of emulating Ian Flemming's style without falling into the depths of imitation or parody. And hot of the tail of the new Quantum of Solace trailer I was definitely in the mood for a good dose of everyone's favorite womanizing super-spy. If you a Bond fan I heartily suggest you sneak a peek at this one.
"'Rithmatic?" you ask. No I'm not suddenly going back to school for "the Maths" (as they say in Jolly Ol' England) but rather I just wanted a humourous title. Having failed in that desire I shall endeavour to provide you with a suitable arithmetic problem: 2x+7x4 = 3y.
Please solve for "x". The first person to get the correct answer will receive 200 Reader Points (or some other suitably thing of negligible value).
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