Sunday, April 08, 2007

Musings About Irrelevant Things #5: Goth Edition

Angsty goth kids make me smile.

I smile, of course, that knowing smile that says, "Hey goth kid I am actually laughing at you on the inside because it is impolite to laugh at you out loud in a bus/movie theatre/dentists office."

I myself have been feeling down the last couple of days (though it should be noted it was more of a healthy 20-something disillusionment than a teenager angst) and all of that went away upon reading an old peice of writing I had put up over at deviantart in which I festively and with a good nature (read: a near acceptable level of expletives) attacked the angsty teen community to be found on the aforementioned art site. ~NOTE~ I just realized how long of a sentence that was. It definately borders on being a run-on ~END NOTE~

Upon reading this 2004 era essay I was immediately forced by the reflexsive muscles in my face to smile (In fact, I almost wrote an Ode to the Internets update about it, but decided it would be to egocentric to write an ode to something I created). I had no reason to be down about life because there will always be angsty, face-painted, Avril Lavigne listening-to Goth Kids and that is something to smile about.

Most people find them annoying, but I find them amusing.

Thanks for brightening up my day you sad, little bastards!

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