Thought #1: Is it a sign of getting older that I empathize and relate to the emotions of more adult characters in films now rather than the likes and interests of Brody from Mallrats?
Thought #2: Why recently have all my dreams been what-ifs? I used to dream of leading post-apocalyptic rebellions and evil moose(s) but now I dream of the previous days events if something slightly different had happened; a different choice made. And why is it I find these dreams harder to wake up from and easier to fall back in to at the touch of a snooze button.
Thought #3: Am I boring? or predictable? Am I predictable, boring Stu? I mean I know I can crack-wise or be funny from time to time but for the most part I feel like I am not living up to the standards of what is considered un-boring. To sum this thought up: Why is the only thing I ever really go out for the movies?
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