As many National Events do, The New Year began with a party at my apartment. At this party the single most badass picture of Myself, Mike, and Pete was taken. There were other pictures taken at this party but they are not nearly as awesome. Pete and Mike would go on to have an astounding year of performances with their band London Spy and I would go on to neglect to photograph each show I attended.

There were birthday parties in which I drank alcohol from a fishbowl with old roommates. The consumption of such alcohol in no way contributed to my decision to...

...get a new hairstyle (the first new hairstyle in 2.5 years). I enjoyed the faux-hawk but would later decide to let the hair grow back due to laziness. I would later re-hawk and then get lazy again.

I may have also attended film school. Achievements whilst attended this institution include losing and then finding the locking pin for the transport truck we rented. Here Brian and I celebrate having found the pin. The location here is Riverview Mental Asylum (Celebrity Sighting #1: Matthew Perry)

But mostly at film school I spent a lot of time on photoshop. Above is one of the many fake pornographic magazine covers I made for the surreal (anything could happen) comedy Appalling Self-Abuse as well as a poster for the Cannibal Romantic Comedy of the year Curious Feast. I may have worked on other shows but I lack pictures from those so we will just pretend they don't exist.

Summer arrived and so did my cousin, Courtney. She is from the strange land of Oakville and likes to kayak/canoe competitively. Anywho, she accompanied my sister and I to the beach (Jericho to be exact because Kits Beach is largely filled with people from Surrey and I have misplaced anger toward Surrey-ites for no apparent reason other than fitting in with the rest of the Greater Vancouver Regional District).

Where we barbequed with friends. Also I sang a song with hand motions I think.

Look how much fun we had!!!

Then I went home for a week. A stay in Fernie which promptly led me to go on a road trip.

To Alberta (which promptly led me to return home to Fernie). The lack of mountains was unsettling so I...

...Graduated! Pictured here is the illustrious DP2. A friendship forged in the early days of the school year whilst working on a Documentary about a boring old man who did some things during World War 2. If you are reading this blog chances are you have met at least one of these people.
I had nothing to do with it escpet for appearing occassionally.

After graduation some of us shot a short film and I started taking pictures on 35mm. Here is one that I have already posted but reposted due to the need to have a picture of this particular event in the retrospective.
Then I did a lot of job hunting/writing and was unemployed for a bit. I did do a bit of Teacher Assistant-ing for the Location Sound department at VFS which led me to use the term "My Students" much to my amusement and nobody elses.
Finally I managed to find work as a highly respected and cared for Production Assistant* on
The Greatest Film Ever Made. (Celebrity Sighting #2: Jessica Alba but don't tell her that or I might get fired).

The I went home for holidays. I went snowboarding on the now incredibly expensive hill. I did however manage to catch some fresh powder which is always a bonus.

My sister also got some Freshies (or First Tracks depending on your colloqiualism preference). Seen here is a picture of her actually snowboarding because she is better than me at that and I am better at taking photographs so it was the natural order of things.

Here is my hometown as seen from the Lizard Bowl on the ski hill. I could try and point out my house because you can see it in this picture but that would be a lot of tedious, time-wasting effort on my part and I'm sure most of you would give up before you actually found it anyways.

And to bring things back round in the full circle I returned to Vancouver and threw a New Years Party (co-hosted by Amanda). Seen here are roommates, BFFs, future roommates, friends, and friends of friends. It was a good event and I will probably throw another next year if I am not living in a gutter somewhere.
Now you are probably asking "Didn't anything else interesting happen this year?" and the answer is yes a whole bunch of way, way more interesting stuff happened only I don't have any pictures of it or it is more of a personal nature and as you may know I don't discuss them on this blog rather I tend to drink and talk about them loudly at bars.
That's it for 2006, I suppose I could a few top 10 lists or something like that but I won't because we are already four days in to the New Year so I think it is time to get on with our lives and brace ourselves for all sorts of new favorite things.
Enjoy 2007 and I will see you Next Update (4-1 Cody and this one had substance like a motherfucker).
*In case you are unfamiliar with the film industry this is sarcasm. I actually stood in -20 weather on street corner and parking garages and could have been fired for looking at certain things I should not be but have not been told to avoid looking at.
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