Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Musings About Irrelevant Things #3
Just more proof of the awesome power of the Jacks.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Ode to the Internets: 2nd Verse

Friday, March 03, 2006
Things Primetime TV Has Taught Me: Part 1

Dr. Jack Sheppard. Though not a secret agent Dr. Jack is a doctor, no, a surgeon which is like a doctor but you get to physically decide people's fates daily (sort of like GOD: the Game). Also he has survived being a)thrown from a plane b) living almost 2 months on a tropical island inhabited by wild boars, polar bears, crazy people with guns, sharks, and a swirly cloud of death smoke. Dr. Sheppard's other badass accomplishments: 1)tried to sew up his own back wound shortly after the plane crash and 2) gave a blood tranfusion from himself to Boone using a sea urchin spine as a makeshift needle all the while performing surgery on the man with limited tools and then attempting to amputate Boone's shattered leg by slamming a cargo container door down on it (this may be the simgle most badass course of action ever taken).
Seeing as how TV never lies the evidence must be conclusive: Jack is the most badass name in the universe. That is not to say that anyone named Jack is a complete badass but rather that by being named Jack you have better odds of becoming a badass.
Give your child a fighting chance and name him Jack. Seriously. Do it.