"Because tomorrow is the beginning of the official Snakes On A Plane Moustache Month," would be my answer.
To clarify, Snakes On A Plane is an elite organization of badass film students. It is comprised of Myself, Dave, and Steve. We do have an application form should someone wish to apply and are working towards getting T-shirts. Basically we are awesome. There have been some copycats but what they gain in numbers they lack in awesome. We are not an exclusive bunch, however, and we regularly do things with non-members. In fact rarely does Snakes On A Plane (or S.O.A.P. if you will (we're cleaning up VFS)) do any exclusive activities. We're just good like that.
One such activity is Moustache Month. All participating parties are, tomorrow morning, to bring their shaving gear to VFS tomorrow morning where they will shave off any facial hair (excluding sideburns because I will be god-damned if I'm parting with those!). Then they shall not shave for 31 days straight. Or to be more specific they cannot shave everything, goatees are allowed and any manner of design can be shaved in. However, one cannot shave the moustache region in anyway and more than just the moustache must remain unshaven. Furthermore, what is left unshaven may not be trimmed. On the 31st day we will all shave off any non-moustache facial hair resulting in a bad 70s gang appearance. All Snakes On A Plane members are then required to wear Aviators and talk like dirty cops for the ret of the day.
Oh YES! It's On Now! Also, I expect to look....

Fear the badly photoshopped moustache!
I feel it is my sisterly duty to impart this advise: While I commend you on this wick-nar and totally badass initiative, be advised that girls find the 'stache just a tad bit (actually a lot bit) creepy. Think Matt Damon a la Something About Mary. And Burt Reynolds now (because this is not 1971 for the Burt or for you). So enjoy your days of 'stache but they will be ladyless. Just a wee bit o' wisdom from me to you. Rock on brotha.
I can't believe your sister just called you on the 'stache just so you can get laid more.
your sister rules
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