The rules are fairly simple, or at least they are simpler than that Sodoku game that is sweeping the nation of Britain. What you need are at least two teams of two people (though more teams = more fun) and enough frisbees for a 1:1 ratio of teams to frisbees. The game takes place in the downtown area of the city late at night or early in the morning when there is less chance of people getting hit by traffic. The teams will start at a pre-determined location and they must race to another pre-determined destination. They must pass the frisbee back in forth, but much like Ultimate Frisbee the person who is in the possession of the frisbee can't move. As in most races whichever team catches their frisbee across the finish line wins, but how they get there is up to them.
Dirty play such as pushing members of opposing teams into various obstacles (though pushing someone into moving traffic is discouraged it is not illegal in the sense of disqualifying your team, the police may feel differently however) or stealing an opposing team's frisbee and throwing it onto the open door of a bus so that it seriously hampers the forward movement of said team is not only allowed but encouraged. Style points for the most creative way of fucking with the other teams may even be awarded, sort of like how being the best climber won't win you the Tour de France but it will get you a fancy red polka dot jersey.
Possible additional and optional rules have been suggested:
-All frisbees would be matte-black and painted with invisble phosphorescent paint and the teams would wear night vision googles so that only they could see the frisbees. In this variation wearing urban assault gear is a must.
-Course extended to include North Van and thus likely requiring teams to cross the Lion's Gate Bridge upping the frisbee loss danger.
-The inclusion of smaller, harder attack frisbees (putting or chipping frisbees from frisbee golf would be ideal) for use in crippling opposing teams or knocking enemy frisbees out of the sky.
And there you have it. The greatest sport since African Outdoor Tire Cricket where the best (or at least dirtiest) team wins.
Sign me up
man, all of your Fernie tickets make me miss winter in Rossland o__o it's amazing how similar the towns look (Rossland is prettier though, higher in the mountains, booyah!).
BF- FOR!!EVER!! <3
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