TwisterThe movie not the game. Now granted I'm a sucker for anything that has awesome, crazy scientist characters, but you can't tell me that watching the dynamic duo of Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton take on F5
Tornadoes and dodge flying cows is riveting shit.
MeadThe drink of Irish Kings, or so says the bottle I imbibed in over the holidays. It is made with honey and... pretty much it is just fermented honey, which is awesome. It is super sweet and does kind of make you feel like a
medieval king if you drink it from a goblet.
"I Love You Beth Cooper" by Larry DoyleThis book by a former (or maybe still current, I wasn't paying attention) Simpsons writer is funny and kind of awe-shucks sweet. I don't really have a joke to go here except that maybe I wish my high school career had a day half as interesting and make-out filled as Denis Cooverman's. Read it before the movie comesout and likely ruins everything forever.
Baconbot.comA website about all things bacon-related. I don't think I need to explain to anyone why this is awesome.
The Dark KnightI'm just going to cut the bullshit and just get right down to the only recommendation that really matters: Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight". I have honestly never been this excited about a movie, I can't recommend it enough. In fact, I am so serious about this I am going to recommend it as many times as I saw it. Four. So you better get prepared.
Gimme FivesThe high five is still awesome, but sometimes people suck at them and that is not awesome. Try a low-down, palm-up "Gimme Five" instead and get ready to learn that variety really is the spice of life.
Robert Downey Jr.From high-flying, technological, superhero playboys to delusional, skin-dyeing, Australian actors this was indeed Mr. Downey Jr.'s year. He can do no wrong (you know except for that whole drug thing but that is in the past). Feel free to add him to thelist of actors who's presence makes a movie worth paying for.
SnowI've probably said this before, but I love the fluffy white stuff. It provides it's own fun (snowballs) and makes everything look awesome. Here's to a white Christmas every year since my birth!
Having More Than 2 Snowplows to Service an Entire Major Metropolitan AreaSeriously Vancouver, what the hell?
Steak TartarI had this, the ultimate in Raw Food, for the first time this year. It's super rich and not at all what you'd expect. If you can get past the idea of eating raw meat than I suggest you experience this as it is actually quite tasty.
Lone Wolf and CubThe manga, not the films (but only because I haven't watched them yet). An awesome and epic (it spans 27 some odd volumes) tale of betrayal and redemption in Feudal Japan. These books feature sweet sword fights and incredibly accurate historical detail.
Not Having Internet Access For a WeekIt is amazing how much less bored one can be when you don't have Facebook to click through for hours on end. While equal parts freeing and terrifying (you actually have to talk to people to make plans!) it is worth it, if only because you will get way more shit done.
"Little Brother" by Cory DoctorowIn the age of the patriot act this is one of the most important science fiction novels to rear its head. This tale of techno-rebellion is apparently a teen novel which I hope means that teens have gotten a lot smarter than they used to be. Read it. Now.
Book SwapsCan't find a book worth reading? Then get together with friends and swap books. Could be hit or miss, but if you are like me and only hang out with awesome people then you will get a stack of awesome books to read.
Watching Five Bands Play as OneNo "Cool" band posturing. No stage politics. It's too big for that. Just a bunch of musicians having fun playing music. The way it should be.
No Really, The Dark Knight
Seriously, not only did this movie not disappoint, it exceeded my incredibly high expectations. Mr. Nolan elevated the superhero movie to something more, a brilliant crime thriller that was also one of the most faithful Batman adaptions ever. In fact, why are you still reading this? That means you aren't watching The Dark Knight
, or at least you aren't watching it hard enough. Go! the list will be here when you get back.
Going Without Caffeine Indefinitely
Actually this is pretty much the worst thing ever
, but misery loves company so sack up and join me in hell.
Hud is awesome. Just make sure you sit in the back.
MauditeTriple malted beer from Quebec. Also known as the beer of the damned after the seven Courier de Bois who rode their canoe into hell to steal the recipe from the devil. Badass. Canadian Badass. If you don't believe me then ask my friend Jordan. Jordan? "Well that is just plain good beer!"
Crazy YodaThis was what was missing from the prequels (well one of the things). Yoda as a crazy old man, laughing in Luke's face and fighting with R2 over a lamp. I can't beleive I forgot how awesome that was.
Dr. Gregory House
He's the lovably cynical doctor with the heart of coal. What's not to love?
Finding "Your" Sandwich Place
Let's face it, sandwiches are about 7000 times better when someone else makes them and indescribable when someone else makes them well. Find one place, two tops, and just stay with them, forever. It's worth it.
You Suck at Photoshop
Youtube it. You'll thank me. It manages to be both hilarious and surprisingly informative.
Italian Spiderman
Same as above, only way, way less informative.
Spaghetti Westerns
Nobody does iconic American culture like the Italians. Sprawling badlands and big skies are beautifully captured alongside the grit and grime of the Wild West. They turned the spit polished cowboys of classic westerns into the rough and tumble gunslingers we know and love today. Required watching: Once upon a Time In The West, A Fistfull of Dollars, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
In Bruges
It's time to put your misplaced hatred for Collin Farrel aside and enjoy this sad yet hilarious film about two hitmen hiding out in Bruges (It's in Holland) and coming to terms with their crimes. Be prepared though, it is much more carefully paced than the trailers make it seem. Stcik with it though and you will be treated to the suprising comedic genius of Ralph Fiennes.
Ragging on Step Brothers Just to Piss Alice OffSeriously Alice it was funny, but Comedy of the Year? Really? I mean, Really?
Wait, Have I Mentioned The Dark Knight Yet?
How many times do I have to say this? Let's focus on the late Heath Ledger here. He is amazing. I dare you to watch the Joker and find even a little hint of Heath Ledger there. He completely dissapears into the Anarchic Clown Prince. Not to mention that his introduction, in the form of a magic trick, is the single greatest introduction known to man.
If you like design or photography or fashion or architecture or just like pretty things then this is the one stop internet shop for you. Links to everything awesome in the above catagories complete with awesome booze recipes.
Playing Dead Space with a Constant Look of Fear on Your Face
Honestly, there isn't any other way to play it. By which I mean when you play this game a grimace of terror will become permantently affixed to your face. Trust me
, those fuckers come out of the walls.
Being Forcefed Shots on Your Birthday
This might seem obvious but my birthday is on Christmas Eve so such an outing is rare and I don't take it for granted. One thing is for sure, you'll either black out and forget the things you do or do things you wish you could forget. Or alcohol poisoning. Win/Win.
The Good, the Bad, and the Wierd
Everything I said about Spaghetti Westerns stands, except for one thing: Korea. You heard me right: A Korean Spaghetti Western set during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. An homage to the Leoni films of the 70s with a Kung Fu twist. Super wierd, but in the best possible way.
Having a Friend Who Wrote Lyrics to the Jurassic Park Theme
Jurassic Paaark
Jurassic Paaark
Staaring Jeph Goldbloo-oom
From Such movies as
Independance Day
and the Fly-ee-eyyyy...
Thanks Miles.
Girls Named Lacey Who Use Their Lacey Underwear as a Way to Help You Remember Their Names
Just Sayin'.
The Stew I Made For Star Wars Christmas
Made with Beer AND Bacon. AWESOME. Don't even get me started on the best ever dumplings that cook on top.
Chuck Palahniuk
His books ever so slowly twist away for the normal into the bizarre. yet, they do it so subtley that you only notice when your done. You will constantly be left with the "what the fuck just happened" feeling that you got the first time you watched Fight Club. Suggested Reading: Choke, Rant.
I'm Serious About This Dark Knight BusinessGo. Go Now! Watch. In Theatres. they are re-releasing so no excuses. Titanic doesn't deserve the spot as highest grossing film ever. Buy tickets you bastards!
Getting a Pair of Green Chucks For FreeSeriously, who doesn't like free stuff. Quit being so contrary.
"Anathem" By Neil StephensonSet in an alternate history where science is confined to walled-off, monastary-esque enclaves and the world is run by a secular power of people who can only read symbols. I'm only 300 pages into the 1000 page beast of a book but I'm going to go ahead and recommend it anyways.
Calling Bullshit on Shakespeare Tennyson"Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." Bullshit. I prefer "A taste of honey is worse than no taste at all." You know I'm right Al, own up. "Lord" Tennyson indeed...
Throwing a Party in Your Way Too Small ApartmentFor one, you can fit way more people in than you think and the hilarity manages to last pretty much the whole night. It also forces you to talk to people you don't know, like French girls. This is the beginning of a whole series of Standing Room Only (or Sardine) Parties.
BreakfastMost important meal of the day? More like most DELICIOUS meal of the day! The number one meal for bacon makes it the number one meal for me.
and lastly:
Nerding It UpThis has been a landmark year in Nerding for me. I got back into RPGs in a big way. I suggest everyone find one that appeals to them and lets loose. Way more fun and freeform than a video game. But no LARPing or games about peoiple who- (Just kidding Alice I won't give up your secret).