...In which I share that the key to gaining weight is eating greasy meats, write the plot to every sports movie ever as a run-on sentance, and explain that cancer is a sadder disease than AIDS.
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
then you should eat
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
I am eating
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and not something healthy either
Yumi says:
isn't that rediculous though? x.x
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
like a big fucking pizza
Yumi says:
I'm eating hot chocolate and banana bread?
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
loaded with cheeze and greasy meats
Yumi says:
I'm really not a very big fan of pizza..
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
carb load
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
like a football guy in the movies trying to add pounds cause coach told him to and if he doesn't then he will be off the team and if he isn't on the team not only will his dad disown him because his dad is a terrible parent and trying to recapture his lost glory days by living vicariously through his son but also Shirley his cheerleader girlfriend will leave him because she only date guys who have
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
letter jackets and are on whatever team she is currently cheering for despite the fact that he gave her a promise ring and she totally said they were going steady so he really has to gain those ten pounds by the big game even though he really wants to go to the big party and Mr. Kingston the renegade teacher who cares is trying to get him involved in something more academic and it is turning out
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
*blink blink*
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
that he is actually a talented writer and he won an award for that essay he submitted to the big magazine in town.
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
I'm spent
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
It's sooooooooooo true
Yumi says:
I don't know, I sort of just want to like... be the teachers pet and go for the writing
Yumi says:
who cares about Shirley, she's a dumb ho
Yumi says:
and my dad is a flake but my mom stil loves me?
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
your mum died in the first act because without that happening there wouldn't be enough dramatic tension and she was sick with cancer and she used to be a writer but gave up her dreams because she married her highschool sweetheart who just so happens to be your dad only the marriage ended up being loveless and she was taking a shine to the renegade teacher because she was given the courage to do so
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
oh my god
Yumi says:
can we write this movie
Yumi says:
but can it be about a sport like badmitton or something?
Yumi says:
table tennis?
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
because she was dying only she realized that if she ever followed through with her desires then she would be hurting you so she kept them to herself and even on her deathbed said nothing
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
we need to think of an even more rediculous sport though
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
feel free to come over immediately and we will write it
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
I have to put on clothes and go to the library
Yumi says:
to pick up books on business administration
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
well anytime after immediately you can also feel free to come over and we will write it
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
I will think of more cliches
Yumi says:
his best friend has to steal his girl
Yumi says:
and then he has to become buddies with the high school dork who was his best friend in elementary school but who chose not to be popular
Yumi says:
possibly a girl, so that there can be a love thing
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and he realizes that his best friends aren't really his best friends they only like him because he is popular and he is only popular because they like him
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and he needs a grizzled old mentor played by sean connery
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
who is an author or a painter or something like that
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
maybe an author and a painter
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and a photographer
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and other artistic things
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
but everyone thinks he is just the curmudgeony old crazy guy
Yumi says:
totally, he's the neighbor
Yumi says:
and he does things like prune his roses naked
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
he is the neighbor only his house is somehow on a hill
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and there are trees
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and rose bushes
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
to further seclude him
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and he shouts at people
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
he could also optionally be played by Samuel L. Jackson in age make-up
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
omg can he please
Yumi says:
can he mutter something about mother fucking snakes in his mother fucking bushes?
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
it could be both Sam Jackson and Sean Connery as a lovable pair of curmudgeons who are lifetime friends
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
heterosexual lifemates if you will
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
who once led a life of adventure
Yumi says:
whose wives died together in a terrible car crash
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
and of cancer
Yumi says:
so they relied on eachother for strength
Yumi says:
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
at the same time
Yumi says:
wait wait
Yumi says:
can we be contemprary
Yumi says:
and have them die of AIDS?
Yumi says:
or maybe the athletes mom can die of aids
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
no cancer is sadder
Yumi says:
is it?
Yumi says:
I hate cancer, it's so lame
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
there can be a kid at school who has AIDS though
Yumi says:
Yumi says:
oooh this is absurd
Of Course Space Is Hot! Where Do You Think We Get Pineapples? says:
who he befriends
Yumi says:
I need to run and catch a bus so that I can get to the library
Yumi says:
but you keep thinking, and I'll talk to you later
*NOTE* My MSN name comes from a wonderful BBC TV show called Black Books. Go and watch it straight away. It is truly fantastic *END NOTE*
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I Have Invented a New Kind of Blogging
The Update Blog.
This blog post has been created for the sole purpose of informing you that I am updating.
I have updated. This is the update.
Just in case you were not aware of what this was. It is an update.
The next update will update you on the status of the next update.
This blog post has been created for the sole purpose of informing you that I am updating.
I have updated. This is the update.
Just in case you were not aware of what this was. It is an update.
The next update will update you on the status of the next update.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I Update Because I Can, Not Because I Want To
I am Bored. For those keeping score that is bored with a capital "B". So bored that I am using sayings that my parents use in day to day conversation and I told myself I would never say. Only I didn't ever actually promise myself but writing out both of these explainations has helped to alleviate my boredom for at least a minute or so. But enough rambling, at least for now there is important news to deliver to the masses. Or at least Cody. Here it is:
I have updated!
Nothing of substance mind you but that is only because I am contractually obligated to not talk about my job. At least not somewhere that the lawyers can see me. ANYWAYS, I really really really want this on a shirt:

I call it Elitist Appliances. So If any of you are feeling particularly charitable (I am unemployed again if that makes you feel more inclined to buy me things) then you can buy this for me. Also I don't care if you don't get it because Amanda understands so I know I'm not crazy. Or we both are. Either way I've managed to avoid boredom for 7 minutes while I made this post.
*I am going stir crazy
I have updated!
Nothing of substance mind you but that is only because I am contractually obligated to not talk about my job. At least not somewhere that the lawyers can see me. ANYWAYS, I really really really want this on a shirt:

I call it Elitist Appliances. So If any of you are feeling particularly charitable (I am unemployed again if that makes you feel more inclined to buy me things) then you can buy this for me. Also I don't care if you don't get it because Amanda understands so I know I'm not crazy. Or we both are. Either way I've managed to avoid boredom for 7 minutes while I made this post.
*I am going stir crazy
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